Introduction to Python - Programmrs


What is Programming?

We use English, Chinese, Hindi, and other languages to communicate with each other in the real world. Likewise, we need a programming language to have a chat with the computer. Programming is a way to instruct the computer to perform various tasks. There are various programming languages available today used for computer communication. Eg. C, C++, Java, Swift, Go, Python, etc.

What is Python?

Python is a simple and easily understandable language that feels like reading the English language. But, it is the most application-based and in-demand language in today's world. Thus, the pseudocode nature of this language makes it very easy to understand among beginners.


NOTE: If you are a beginner, don't start with Python. Simple Suggestion.

Features of Python
  • Easy to Understand
  • Free and Open Source
  • High-level language
  • Highly Portable
  • Very Fun language


PYTHON can be easily installed from When you click on the download button, python can be installed right after you complete the setup by executing the file for your platform. For IDEs, you can have Pycharm, Vscode, etc.



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